Pelajaran Dari Microsoft

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Microsoft adalah perusahaan yang boleh dibilang benar-benar menerapkan strategi marketing yang textbook. Salah satunya tentang bagaimana menghadapi kompetitor-kompetitor mereka yaitu kenali kekuatan sendiri dan kompetitor, kemudian putuskan dimanakah keunggulan atas kompetitor, di keunggulan itulah kita mesti "berperang" dengan kompetitor.

Berikut ini ada penjelasan dari Ryan Kubacki, bekas executive Microsoft yang sekarang menjadi president di Holden International, yang menerangkan tentang bagaimana Microsoft bereaksi terhadap Linux ketika Linux hadir di market :

"When I was Microsoft's business marketing officer for the U.S. central region, [CEO Steve] Ballmer drafted me to work on the company's Linux strategy. When Linux first became big news, there was a perception in the market that because it was free, it was therefore a better deal than Windows. Since this was a direct assault on Microsoft's business model, we build a team of experienced market research and messaging people, including a guy who had been one of Bill Clinton's advisors during the Lewinsky scandal.

"The team polled around 6,000 IT customers and discovered that Linux was favored over Windows for a variety of reasons, some of them emotional (like envy over Bill Gates's wealth) and some rational (like an unpopular licensing scheme). Since there was little we could do about the emotional issues, the team decided to attack the Linux value proposition.

"We told IT buyers, before making a commitment one way or the other, to find out what it actually costs to run a Linux shop as compared to a Windows shop. We provided reams of data suggesting that Linux was more difficult to integrate, more difficult to manage, and more difficult to support — all of which ends up costing more money than would be saved by avoiding a license fee. By emphasizing value rather than price, we were able to blunt the Linux narrative and keep it from becoming an overwhelming threat to Microsoft's enterprise strategy."

What do you think ?

posted by Andrias Ekoyuono ( andri )
picture taken from here


Anonymous said...

"benar-benar menerapkan strategi marketing yang textbook" itu konotasi nya positif atau negatif nih?

Yah gampang aja kan, dengan textbook aja menguasai pasar desktop 80% dunia, apa lagi sudah nglotok... hehehehhe...

Suryo Sucipto said...

Semua strategi tersebut diatas dapat dirangkum dalam singkatan pendek: FUD. Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt.

Sebuah strategi yang mungkin umurnya setua peradaban manusia :)

andri said...

Textbook karena tidak seperti Apple ataupun Richard Branson, strategi Microsoft tidak banyak menghadirkan kejutan-kejutan yang bikin kita berkata "Wow !" . Jadi konotasinyapun positif karena hasilnya memang positif :-)

#suryo sucipto
benar tuh mas

Anonymous said...

Microsoft memang jago dalam hal mempertahankan Bill Gate sebagai orang terkaya di dunia. :)

Anonymous said...

Sayangnya, strategi ini gak berlaku lagi. Apalagi untuk pengguna dekstop, yg belajarnya rata2 bisa dilakukan scr mandiri. Apalagi dgn adanya Ubuntu yg membuat Linux jadi begitu mudah. Alasan murah, masih tetap jadi pertimbangan utama. Plus, Linux dipilih lebih karena aman (terutama thd virus). So, hanya masalah waktu aja sampe Linux bisa sekuat Windows, walaupun mungkin masih sulit untuk bener2 mengalahkan.

Anonymous said...

more difficult to integrate, more difficult to manage, and more difficult to support

justru disini kan kita belajar...daripada pakai windows (klik kanan masuk ke properties, buka tab security bla...blaa..bllaa)

Obat Herbal Wasir said...

thanks your article ,,,

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Obat Herbal Wasir said...

terimakasih gan atas informasinya ...

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